Anyway, I am a typical A-Type personality. I am very structured and like things to be a certain way. On top of that I am very analytical and so I think things through until there is no possibility I have not pondered. I do not like surprises but can warm up to them after the initial shock is over. And to me a life without a plan, is a plan to fail (This quote was taken from my boss). From all of this, one can only imagine, how I feel when something does not go the way I think it should. Most of the time it starts with uncontrollable worry and then the analytical part kicks in and I begin to think a forgotten birthday of a friend has lead to forever banishment from their life and their horrible disdain toward me. Before long I can be in full melt down mode… Imagine... tears, snot, hyperventilation, just a few of the reactions I occasionally have when my plan fails to be the way I thought it would. Something as simple as forgetting to call a friend on their birthday causes me to go into a spiral of emotions and who knows if my friend even noticed that I did not call. So this year as I was gearing up for the beginning of 2010 I decided to start the year with a goal to not stress out over things so much. I am going to try very hard not to over analyze and not to over react to things that I cannot change. Mr. Wilks believes that I will not be able to achieve my goal throughout the year, but that is because he has seen some of my numerous melt downs and knows that I am a creature of habit. However, I am going to put my best foot forward and really try to do a better job at relaxing and not sweating the small stuff. In 1Peter 5:7 the Bible says, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7, NIV).How ironic that this has been my favorite verse in the Bible for most of my life and that the very verse that God has seeded within me is encouraging me to give it all to God! Let go of the things I can’t change and keep living! Hmmm… sounds to me God knew long before I did that as an adult I would need a verse like this to uplift me; he knew the adult I would become and that without me recognizing my help comes from HIM (I will strengthen you and help you… Isaiah 41:10, NIV). I would be a mess! I carry both of those scriptures in my wallet on an old index card I have carried around for years and on days when I feel like everything is going under I can pull out that card and remind myself that I am not the keeper of the stars or the one who hung the moon but God the creator of all things cares for me and wants my load to be lightened. All I have to do is call on his name and he will greet me with the peace that passes all understanding.

So this year if my to do list is not finished at the end of the day I am not going to think it is the end of the world as I know it. And I am going to cling to the promises that God has set before me in his book. I leave you with the last verse on the card in my wallet, the verse that gets me all fired up! The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet Romans 16:20, NIV.
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 41:10
Romans 16:20
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