Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is not me who wore panty hose yesterday just so I didn’t have to shave the stubble on my legs. Nope not me…. And it was also not me who held my niece while she was throwing up thinking how awesome I was to not be joining her; only to later dry heave at the mere thought that the whole thing had happened. Again there is no way that was me, cause I have a strong stomach and can handle anything. (Haha) Oh, and it was not me who made up a recipe last night using the microwave and ingredients that did not require cooking just to avoid having to actually fix supper. Nope it was definitely not me! I love to cook and have time and energy every night to cook four course meals for my husband because I am Super Wife!!! Have you had things you too are embarrassed to admit you did? If so, join in and write a comment letting us know were not the only ones out there.
Mrs. Wilks

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mrs. Wilks Simple Pleasures

Hey everybody! Sorry it has been a few days since my last post. I have just been swamped at work and getting ready for a trip… more to come on that one in a later post. Ok, ok just one hint…

Anyway, I was reading Kelly’s Korner (a blog I have recently become an avid reader of) and today she had a post on Simple Pleasures. It prompted me to list some of mine and to encourage all of you to leave comments of some of your own Simple Pleasures.

Where to begin…

The smell of anything baking

A small vanilla Ice cream cone… actually any ice cream cone

A Lazy Saturday

Buying stationary supplies in the fall because school is starting and they are on sale everywhere

One of my nieces running up when they see me

Knowing that no matter how old she gets Katie-bug will still love me the most!

Cotton Candy

Buying something on sale that you have been eyeing for months

White Chocolate Mochas with a shot of cinnamon

Date night with Mr. Wilks… even if it is just out to the grocery story

Slobbering baby kisses

Tuesday night knitting classes (even if the only reason it is a pleasure is because of the other people in the class)

Hallmark movies… or is that a guilty pleasure?

Preschool Children’s Church

These are just a few of the things that I consider simple pleasures. Please feel free to join in and let me know what things you see as simple pleasures. And stay tuned for my next post about our trip.