Tuesday, December 7, 2010
You will appreciate it when you are older
Over the course of my life I have heard the phrase “you will appreciate it when you are older” over a hundred times or more. Of course when you hear this as a child you roll your eyes and wonder how simply getting older will make one appreciate things more? Now that I am starting to get a little older I can see how age makes a difference in the way we see many things. For instance last night I was at the drug store buying some cough medicine and the cashier asked me to see my license. This sort of thing does not bother me since I understand this is a precaution to keep individuals who are under age from being able to purchase things that they may be tempted to abuse, however, it was what came next that was the kicker. I was digging in my purse to find my ID to give to the cashier, anyone who knows me personally would know finding something in my purse is often a difficult task so it took a few seconds. Meanwhile, watching me dig the cashier says, “sorry to have to card you but you look young”. So I say, “Oh that’s ok I get that a lot… “. She then says, “but, you are over eighteen right?”. Haha I about lost it… I am seven years nearly eight years past being eighteen! And before I know it I say to the cashier, “I guess that is something I will appreciate when I am older”. I then completed my purchase and headed out of the store laughing inside that after all these years I get it… I get how some things take time to appreciate them. I realized that the same thing that bothered me when I was eighteen and trying to get into dance clubs, (i.e. my few months of wild life… haha I really did just dance) now at twenty-five made me smile and appreciate that I do not look my age. Considering I found a white hair in the midst of all the dark ones on my head the other day; I am happy to look younger than my actual age. Someday, when I have children of my own I am sure at some point, I will tell them “you will appreciate it when you are older” and they will look at me and roll their eyes. Then sooner or later they will have to make the same call I did and say hey mom, I get it!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Here We Go Again...
So, to say I am behind at this point would be an understatement... It seems school took over my life and I have been unable to update my blog in ages. I would promise to do better but I have made that promise before and failed miserably. It is now December and I am wondering where has this year gone? I hope in time, I will look back on my years in school and not regret taking the time to get my education. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with the course work and the house work and working full time that I feel like I want to just give something up but know deep down that is not possible. I am looking forward for the day when I will be finished with school so I will have more time… haha that is what I say now but I know when I finish school I will just find another way to fill my time and will end up at some point overwhelmed again… it seems to be a reoccurring cycle in my life, if I am not busy then I find a way to become busy. Anyway enough of that soap box; I am excited for the Christmas season! I love the lights, the songs and getting to spend time with family and friends. Hopefully this will not be my last post for 2010 but I am not making any promises. haha
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Bad... bad... girl
I am so sorry for being so behind… I am a bad… bad girl!.... I am trying to catch-up!!!

Day 12: Something You are OCD About (8/12/10)
How can I pick just one thing I am OCD about… there are so many.
To name a few:
Toilet paper has to always roll where the paper comes over the top not from underneath.
If I have a tube of anything it must be smushed from the end not squeezed in the middle. (this is why I quit buying toothpaste in a tube)
Towels must be folded in half and then in 3 parts so that they stack easily.
This is surely not all of the things I am OCD about but they give you an idea… since, I am so far behind and need to catch up on the rest of these posts.
Day 13 - A Fictional Book (8/13/10)
Redeeming Love By Francine Rivers
I mentioned in an earlier post that I love the book Redeeming Love. It is so good that about half way through, you will refuse to put down the book and force yourself to finish it in one night.
Day 14 - A Non-fictional Book (8/14/10)
My favorite non- fictional book is the Bible. I love the Lord and I love that he gave me an instruction manual for life; i.e. the Bible.
I will be back later with another post catching me up the rest of the way... sorry for the delay!
Mrs. Wilks
Day 12: Something You are OCD About (8/12/10)
How can I pick just one thing I am OCD about… there are so many.
To name a few:
Toilet paper has to always roll where the paper comes over the top not from underneath.
If I have a tube of anything it must be smushed from the end not squeezed in the middle. (this is why I quit buying toothpaste in a tube)
Towels must be folded in half and then in 3 parts so that they stack easily.
This is surely not all of the things I am OCD about but they give you an idea… since, I am so far behind and need to catch up on the rest of these posts.
Day 13 - A Fictional Book (8/13/10)

I mentioned in an earlier post that I love the book Redeeming Love. It is so good that about half way through, you will refuse to put down the book and force yourself to finish it in one night.
Day 14 - A Non-fictional Book (8/14/10)

My favorite non- fictional book is the Bible. I love the Lord and I love that he gave me an instruction manual for life; i.e. the Bible.
I will be back later with another post catching me up the rest of the way... sorry for the delay!
Mrs. Wilks
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Two At A Time
Today because I am behind and because I am determined to do all 30 posts in this series I give you Day 10 & 11.

Day 10: A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago Of You

I had all intentions of copping out on this one and giving you guys a picture that was only about 6 years old but I remembered that a few months Aunt Bibit (that was my name for her when I was little)sent me a couple of old embarrassing pictures I just knew you all would love to see! haha I was in 6th or 7th grade when this picture was taken. It was taken in Momaw's old house be for the skunks came. (That is definitely a story for another day. Not sure what I was doing but Aunt Bibit and I were putting on a show I am sure... since that is what we spent most of our time doing. haha She and I have always had good time because we were only 6 years apart!
Day 11: A Photo Of You Recently

This picture was taken on the 4th of July at my house. In the picture are my friends Mrs. T, Mommy to Be (guess name will have to change that name when the baby comes), and Mandre (not her real name... it is a nickname given by Mr. Wilks and his buddys... maybe I should find out that story) . We had a great time hanging out and eating good food! I love spending time with friends!
Day 10: A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago Of You

I had all intentions of copping out on this one and giving you guys a picture that was only about 6 years old but I remembered that a few months Aunt Bibit (that was my name for her when I was little)sent me a couple of old embarrassing pictures I just knew you all would love to see! haha I was in 6th or 7th grade when this picture was taken. It was taken in Momaw's old house be for the skunks came. (That is definitely a story for another day. Not sure what I was doing but Aunt Bibit and I were putting on a show I am sure... since that is what we spent most of our time doing. haha She and I have always had good time because we were only 6 years apart!
Day 11: A Photo Of You Recently

This picture was taken on the 4th of July at my house. In the picture are my friends Mrs. T, Mommy to Be (guess name will have to change that name when the baby comes), and Mandre (not her real name... it is a nickname given by Mr. Wilks and his buddys... maybe I should find out that story) . We had a great time hanging out and eating good food! I love spending time with friends!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Catch Up Day
Today is my catch up day! I did not have time to work on blog posts over the weekend so Day 7, 8, & 9 will be featured on today's post.
Day 7: A Photo That Makes You Happy
This picture is one from our engagement session with His Hands Photography! It was such a great day! I had been sick for over a month and the doctor could not find out what was wrong with me. This was the first day I had been out of the house in close to a month! I was so happy to just spend the day with my husband to be! This picture was taken just as Justin said something that was so funny he blushed at having said it.
Day 8: A Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad
This picture makes me sad because it was taken inside the Opryland Hotel during the time this year when Nashville flooded. The hotel is one of my favorite places to visit at Christmas time. I would say there have only been about 3 Christmases since I was old enough to drive that I have not visited during the holiday season. The good news is they say everything will be as good as new by this Christmas so I will not have to miss out!
Day 9: A Photo That You Took
This is a picture that I took while we were on our cruise in February. I love sunsets and adore taking pictures of them. One day when I learn how to work my Photoshop Elements I will be able to make the colors look even richer in my sunset photos!
Weekend update...
We had an awesome weekend filled with softball, church, and homework... Looking at a busy week ahead but only 2 weeks left of Summer semester!

Day 8: A Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad

Day 9: A Photo That You Took

Weekend update...
We had an awesome weekend filled with softball, church, and homework... Looking at a busy week ahead but only 2 weeks left of Summer semester!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Day 6: 20 of My Favorite Things
Day 6: 20 Of My Favorite Things
This is a list of some of my favorite things. The list is in no particular order and does not include my family which is the most important to me... Just seemed weird to put them on a list. LOL This is probably the longest post in the history of this blog and took the longest to write too! Hope you enjoy!
1. Bert's Bee Chap Stick: I own at least 3 tubes at any given time.
2. Mint Chocolate Ice Cream: Well really any ice cream but mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor.
3. Nicholas Sparks Books: I love all of his books!
4. Anything Purple: I have a weird obsession with the color purple. For example glasses, bible, and phone cover are all purple.
5. Shoes: Love shoes, mostly high heels. However I have a hard time buying shoes because I am super picky.
6. Date Night With My Hubby: I love Date Nights with Mr. Wilks. It gives us time to talk and not be distracted by house work or homework.
7. Purses: I love every shape, color, and size!
8. Snow White: I love everything Snow White! I even went to try out to play her at Disney World.
9. Chocolate Chip Cookies: I really love any type of cookie that does not have nuts. For my list of not favorite things #1 would be nuts! haha
10. My Direct TV DVR: Oh My! What did I do before DVR? I watched shows only when they came on, taped them on a VHS, and had to sit through every commercial. Wow, so glad those days are over!
11. Christmas: I love Christmas time! The trees, the lights, the food... I am getting excited just thinking about it!
12.Alabama Football: What can I say other than Roll Tide Roll!
13. Steamboat Springs Colorado... and yes it really is that beautiful! This is where Grandbee was born and some of our family still live. Mr. Wilks and I went to Steamboat on our honeymoon and had a great time!
14. My Car: How do I love the... let me count the ways. haha I do love my car. I had always wanted a old model bug but Papa did not think it was a safe choice given the area I lived in at the time I got my car. So, he got me a newer one which I have loved since the day I got it!
15. McDonalds Frappe`: I love this drink! I drink one almost every Friday. In fact, Aunt Red and I call them Frappe` Fridays!
16.Blogs!!! I read so many everyday! I love them all but here are a few of my favorites: Pioneer Woman, Kelly's Korner, and McMamma.
17. Polka Dots: I love anything with polka dots! Big dots, little dots I love them all!
18. Watches: I would say I have close to 20 watches or more! I love to change them out to match different outfits.
19. Winter: It is my favorite time of year! Scarves, hot chocolate, and sweaters; could it get any better?
20. Tea Tree Oil: Ok I know this sounds funny but this stuff is great for bites or blemishes. In my book, it can cure just about anything. Think of it as my Windex for those of you who have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding! LOL
Mrs. Wilkis
This is a list of some of my favorite things. The list is in no particular order and does not include my family which is the most important to me... Just seemed weird to put them on a list. LOL This is probably the longest post in the history of this blog and took the longest to write too! Hope you enjoy!

Mrs. Wilkis
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 5
Day 5: Favorite Quote
To day I am going to cheat a little and give you my favorite quote and my favorite bible verse.
My favorite quote was one I heard at an FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America; FHA) meeting back when I was in high school. It says: It is not where you have been but where you are going. This anonyms quote has always inspired me to believe that no matter your background anything is possible if you work hard and trust in the Lord. This leads me to my favorite Bible verse which I have written about before. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7, NIV). This verse has carried me through all sorts of situations throughout my life.
And now for a general update... I am almost finished with the Summer semester and will have a short break before beginning Fall semester. Mr. Wilks and I are great! If it is possible I love him more today than the day I said "I do". We are spending our weekends at the ball field finishing up the traveling season with a f finale in Panama City, Florida in September. I will go in October for a week long class in Virginia (please say a prayer if you have the time). Well that is a short update but all I have for now. Hope everyone is having a good week!
Mrs. Wilks
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 4
Day 4: Favorite Book
My favorite book is...
Redeeming Love By Francine Rivers
I was told about this book by a friend and was surprised how wonderful it was. The story starts out slow but mid way through I could not put it down and ended up staying up all night finishing it. The book is based on Hosea in the Bible. It is a must read for anyone who loves a good romance!
Mrs. Wilks
My favorite book is...

I was told about this book by a friend and was surprised how wonderful it was. The story starts out slow but mid way through I could not put it down and ended up staying up all night finishing it. The book is based on Hosea in the Bible. It is a must read for anyone who loves a good romance!
Mrs. Wilks
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 3
Monday, August 2, 2010
30 Day Journal: Day 1 & 2
A friend of mine is participating in this on her blog (See Heather's Blog Here) so I thought I would join too! I missed the first day so this post will actually contain 2... look at it this way, you all get a 2 for 1 deal... it is like a prize!!! haha

Day 1: Favorite Song
This topic is so hard for me! I have been singing all my life, in public since I was three, so you could say music is a big part of my life... I cannot choose just one song! That said I will let you in on a few songs I have loved over time.
Tony Bennett "The Way You Look Tonight" This is one of my all time favorite songs! It always makes me think of my Dad for some reason.
Rascal Flatts "It's Not Just Me" This was my favorite song for a while. It is still the one I find myself singing the most; especially in the shower. Haha!
Corinne Bailey Rae "Put Your Records On" This song just always makes me happy and is great to sing along to!
That ends Day 1 for favorite song. I could continue on but then I would never stop.
Day 2: Favorite Movie
My favorite movie has been the same forever...

and my favorite Christmas movie is...

Although those are my all time favorite movies, I also like Star Wars, The Notebook, Failure to Launch, Lady and the Tramp, and a whole host of other movies.
I think this 30 days is going to be fun! Join in if you like!
Mrs. Wilks
Day 1: Favorite Song
This topic is so hard for me! I have been singing all my life, in public since I was three, so you could say music is a big part of my life... I cannot choose just one song! That said I will let you in on a few songs I have loved over time.
Tony Bennett "The Way You Look Tonight" This is one of my all time favorite songs! It always makes me think of my Dad for some reason.
Rascal Flatts "It's Not Just Me" This was my favorite song for a while. It is still the one I find myself singing the most; especially in the shower. Haha!
Corinne Bailey Rae "Put Your Records On" This song just always makes me happy and is great to sing along to!
That ends Day 1 for favorite song. I could continue on but then I would never stop.
Day 2: Favorite Movie
My favorite movie has been the same forever...

and my favorite Christmas movie is...

Although those are my all time favorite movies, I also like Star Wars, The Notebook, Failure to Launch, Lady and the Tramp, and a whole host of other movies.
I think this 30 days is going to be fun! Join in if you like!
Mrs. Wilks
Friday, July 30, 2010
And now for the rest of the story...
So you know how you mean to do something but then you get busy and forget… and by the time you think of it or have time to do it you feel like it is too late… you may even put it off longer because so much time has passed you do not know where to begin??? Well this is where I am on my blog… I left you all (my 9 readers… haha) hanging with my guilty pleaser ending of Ugly Betty; and then I fell of the face of the earth! The best way I know to handle this is to no longer make promises of posts, so that when I don’t have the time I will not feel bad for leaving everyone hanging.
Now that the business is out of the way I will continue with a new post…
Wednesday, I was at lunch with Pop and Aunt Red when the hostess seated an older couple at the table beside us. I naturally, being the people watcher I am, looked over to see if it was anyone I knew. The couple, I noticed, had sat on opposite sides of the table; which is my opinion of the optimal situation for talking over a meal when only 2 people are present. Only, instead of sitting directly across from one another they sat on opposite ends of the table as well. Now granted this is only a 4 person table so it was not like they were on opposite ends of the universe but they looked like 2 people who had been forced to eat at the same table. It reminded me of elementary school when the teacher gets the bright idea that everyone will behave better if seats are assigned in the lunch room and you end up sitting by the only person in the class that you don’t want to sit by so you sit as far on the other side of your seat as you can… without falling off. Any way I don’t know how often you guys eat out but I have never been at a restaurant where the force you to sit where you don’t want to or be seated with a stranger if you do not want to be seated with them. So obviously these two people had made the decision to come eat lunch together but their body language was telling the world a different story. To top it off we finished our meal before they did so maybe things changed after I left but in the whole time we sat beside this couple they never said a word.
My question to all of you is do you think this couple was angry with one another and had to come eat because they were starving and simply could get food any other way? Or do you think they have spent so many years together in Love that they are completely content in simply being in each other’s presence? It also made me think; what do I do when out in public, that others may see and have questions about? Am I a mystery or am I living my life so that my actions portray my feelings and my love for the Lord? In the case with the couple in the restaurant… if the answer was that they were in love and simply revel in the presence of one another, then why did I have to ask the other question? Shouldn’t I just be able to tell?
Wednesday, I was at lunch with Pop and Aunt Red when the hostess seated an older couple at the table beside us. I naturally, being the people watcher I am, looked over to see if it was anyone I knew. The couple, I noticed, had sat on opposite sides of the table; which is my opinion of the optimal situation for talking over a meal when only 2 people are present. Only, instead of sitting directly across from one another they sat on opposite ends of the table as well. Now granted this is only a 4 person table so it was not like they were on opposite ends of the universe but they looked like 2 people who had been forced to eat at the same table. It reminded me of elementary school when the teacher gets the bright idea that everyone will behave better if seats are assigned in the lunch room and you end up sitting by the only person in the class that you don’t want to sit by so you sit as far on the other side of your seat as you can… without falling off. Any way I don’t know how often you guys eat out but I have never been at a restaurant where the force you to sit where you don’t want to or be seated with a stranger if you do not want to be seated with them. So obviously these two people had made the decision to come eat lunch together but their body language was telling the world a different story. To top it off we finished our meal before they did so maybe things changed after I left but in the whole time we sat beside this couple they never said a word.
My question to all of you is do you think this couple was angry with one another and had to come eat because they were starving and simply could get food any other way? Or do you think they have spent so many years together in Love that they are completely content in simply being in each other’s presence? It also made me think; what do I do when out in public, that others may see and have questions about? Am I a mystery or am I living my life so that my actions portray my feelings and my love for the Lord? In the case with the couple in the restaurant… if the answer was that they were in love and simply revel in the presence of one another, then why did I have to ask the other question? Shouldn’t I just be able to tell?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another one bites the dust...
5/15/2007 was a day that will always stick out in my mind... that is when Season 7, Episode 22 of Gilmore Girls aired. It would be the last episode EVER! AHHH... I was so sad because it was my favorite show of all time; with Friends (also ended) as a close second.
Why do they have to come to an end!!!
Anyway I say all of that to announce that again one of the shows I like to watch will be airing for the last time. Tonight will be the last night of Ugly Betty! I know many of you are probably thinking “what a crazy show!” However, for me, it has been a wonderful way to escape my everyday life. To follow a girl who starts out wanting to write things that will make a difference in the world and ends up in the world of fashion as the side kick for the editor in chief of Mode Magazine.
I admit Ugly Betty has been somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me over the years and I am sad so to see it go. Betty has come so far and sometimes I feel like I have a little Betty inside me. In fact I think we all have a little Betty in us. We face obstacles every day at work and in life and like Betty we have to make choices. I know that she is just a TV character… but hey! can’t we all learn a little something from TV… hahah. Betty always makes the right decision in the end even when it is hard; which I believe is a positive considering some things on TV these days. (haha just sounded like a grandma) Ok so enough rambling... I will post a recap of the show tomorrow. I have high hopes that it will not leave me totally devastated at the end but we shall see.... Until tomorrow! Mrs. Wilks
PS: Here are some pictures from the show in case you are asking yourself: “Who is this Betty and why is Mrs. Wilks calling her Ugly?”
This is how Betty looked when the show first started.
This is Betty now: beautiful and confident!

Anyway I say all of that to announce that again one of the shows I like to watch will be airing for the last time. Tonight will be the last night of Ugly Betty! I know many of you are probably thinking “what a crazy show!” However, for me, it has been a wonderful way to escape my everyday life. To follow a girl who starts out wanting to write things that will make a difference in the world and ends up in the world of fashion as the side kick for the editor in chief of Mode Magazine.
I admit Ugly Betty has been somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me over the years and I am sad so to see it go. Betty has come so far and sometimes I feel like I have a little Betty inside me. In fact I think we all have a little Betty in us. We face obstacles every day at work and in life and like Betty we have to make choices. I know that she is just a TV character… but hey! can’t we all learn a little something from TV… hahah. Betty always makes the right decision in the end even when it is hard; which I believe is a positive considering some things on TV these days. (haha just sounded like a grandma) Ok so enough rambling... I will post a recap of the show tomorrow. I have high hopes that it will not leave me totally devastated at the end but we shall see.... Until tomorrow! Mrs. Wilks
PS: Here are some pictures from the show in case you are asking yourself: “Who is this Betty and why is Mrs. Wilks calling her Ugly?”

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Make It Your Own!
I am and have always been a firm believer in being your own person and making things your own. So when Grandbee, Aunt Red, and I decided to throw my very good friend Mrs. T (or soon to be Mrs. T... hehe) a wedding shower, it was only appropriate that I make invitations that not only suited the shower but also reflected the wedding and the bride as well. So I went to Hobby Lobby on a search for what to do. Having made my own invitations for many events, including my own wedding, I felt confident I would have no problems with the task ahead of me. I had a hard time making my choices simply because I wanted them to be as close to perfect as possible and with the many colors being used in Mrs. T’s wedding my options were truly endless. I decided on a plain white note card and envelope. I also bought a multi color stamp pad and heart shaped stamps since I had acquired printed heart napkins and plates for the shower.
I love to use stamps to personalize things! Not only do they make your stationary unique from other stationary but each individual invite is unique. Anyone who has used a stamp pad knows, you never get the same outcome twice. Sometimes the color is darker sometimes it is lighter. However, I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to get them as close to uniform as possible. This is why I had Mr. Wilks laughing when I drew a line down the side of my stamp so I could line it up the same each time with the multi color stamp pad.
When creating homemade invites I think it is important to personalize the message as well. This was especially important in the case of Mrs. T’s shower because Mr. Wilks and I introduced Mr. & Mrs. T (to be) on a blind date. I wanted to include something about the way they met on the invitation. After racking my brain this is how the invite read:
She dreamed of the day when her prince would arrive,
The way he would look and the car he would drive.
She found him in, a peculiar way,
With friends on a date, not hardly knowing his name.
Now the date has been set to tie the knot,
But everything they need for their house has not been got…
So Join with their Friends, as we celebrate the upcoming big day,
To give to Mrs. T and Mr. T in a big way.
It took me about two hours to print, stamp, seal, and address the invites. Thanks to my sweet hubby helping out! He is great at the sealing, putting address labels, and postage stamps on. Anyway, I say that to encourage those of you who say it takes too much time, to reconsider doing invites on your own. The other great advantage to doing them on your own is the money you save. I spent about $15.00 on supplies and now I only have to buy more note cards the next time I choose to use this design.
And now for the best part, here are some pictures of the invite!
This is the stamp pad and stamps I used for the invites.
This is a picture of the envelope. (You can see, I also stamped it to make for a more personal look)
This is a picture of the outside of the note card invite.
This is a picture of the inside of the note card invite.
If you have any questions about making your own stationary or have some you have made you would like to show off leave a comment!
Mrs. Wilks
PS Sorry for the quality of the pictures... they were taken with my camera in the living room floor. Haha And of course the black boxes were not on the real invites I just didn't want anyone's info to get posted on the web. :-)
I love to use stamps to personalize things! Not only do they make your stationary unique from other stationary but each individual invite is unique. Anyone who has used a stamp pad knows, you never get the same outcome twice. Sometimes the color is darker sometimes it is lighter. However, I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to get them as close to uniform as possible. This is why I had Mr. Wilks laughing when I drew a line down the side of my stamp so I could line it up the same each time with the multi color stamp pad.
When creating homemade invites I think it is important to personalize the message as well. This was especially important in the case of Mrs. T’s shower because Mr. Wilks and I introduced Mr. & Mrs. T (to be) on a blind date. I wanted to include something about the way they met on the invitation. After racking my brain this is how the invite read:
She dreamed of the day when her prince would arrive,
The way he would look and the car he would drive.
She found him in, a peculiar way,
With friends on a date, not hardly knowing his name.
Now the date has been set to tie the knot,
But everything they need for their house has not been got…
So Join with their Friends, as we celebrate the upcoming big day,
To give to Mrs. T and Mr. T in a big way.
It took me about two hours to print, stamp, seal, and address the invites. Thanks to my sweet hubby helping out! He is great at the sealing, putting address labels, and postage stamps on. Anyway, I say that to encourage those of you who say it takes too much time, to reconsider doing invites on your own. The other great advantage to doing them on your own is the money you save. I spent about $15.00 on supplies and now I only have to buy more note cards the next time I choose to use this design.
And now for the best part, here are some pictures of the invite!

If you have any questions about making your own stationary or have some you have made you would like to show off leave a comment!
Mrs. Wilks
PS Sorry for the quality of the pictures... they were taken with my camera in the living room floor. Haha And of course the black boxes were not on the real invites I just didn't want anyone's info to get posted on the web. :-)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just wanted to stop in and say I am so sorry for taking so long to put an original post. Things have been so busy with school, Mr. Wilks softball and all the other fun things we have been up too… (i.e. Showers, showers, and more showers) I just have not had time to get the ball rolling. I am working on some posts about the cruise but I think instead of waiting until they are finished, I will just bring you all up to speed and then leave those posts to be mixed in here and there. I am going to promise a new post by tomorrow night. Hope everyone is having a wonderful blessed day!
Mrs. Wilks
Mrs. Wilks
Monday, February 22, 2010
Not Me! Monday!
It is not me who wore panty hose yesterday just so I didn’t have to shave the stubble on my legs. Nope not me…. And it was also not me who held my niece while she was throwing up thinking how awesome I was to not be joining her; only to later dry heave at the mere thought that the whole thing had happened. Again there is no way that was me, cause I have a strong stomach and can handle anything. (Haha) Oh, and it was not me who made up a recipe last night using the microwave and ingredients that did not require cooking just to avoid having to actually fix supper. Nope it was definitely not me! I love to cook and have time and energy every night to cook four course meals for my husband because I am Super Wife!!! Have you had things you too are embarrassed to admit you did? If so, join in and write a comment letting us know were not the only ones out there.
Mrs. Wilks
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mrs. Wilks Simple Pleasures
Hey everybody! Sorry it has been a few days since my last post. I have just been swamped at work and getting ready for a trip… more to come on that one in a later post. Ok, ok just one hint…

Anyway, I was reading Kelly’s Korner (a blog I have recently become an avid reader of) and today she had a post on Simple Pleasures. It prompted me to list some of mine and to encourage all of you to leave comments of some of your own Simple Pleasures.
Where to begin…
The smell of anything baking
A small vanilla Ice cream cone… actually any ice cream cone
A Lazy Saturday
Buying stationary supplies in the fall because school is starting and they are on sale everywhere
One of my nieces running up when they see me
Knowing that no matter how old she gets Katie-bug will still love me the most!
Cotton Candy
Buying something on sale that you have been eyeing for months
White Chocolate Mochas with a shot of cinnamon
Date night with Mr. Wilks… even if it is just out to the grocery story
Slobbering baby kisses
Tuesday night knitting classes (even if the only reason it is a pleasure is because of the other people in the class)
Hallmark movies… or is that a guilty pleasure?
Preschool Children’s Church
These are just a few of the things that I consider simple pleasures. Please feel free to join in and let me know what things you see as simple pleasures. And stay tuned for my next post about our trip.

Anyway, I was reading Kelly’s Korner (a blog I have recently become an avid reader of) and today she had a post on Simple Pleasures. It prompted me to list some of mine and to encourage all of you to leave comments of some of your own Simple Pleasures.
Where to begin…
The smell of anything baking
A small vanilla Ice cream cone… actually any ice cream cone
A Lazy Saturday
Buying stationary supplies in the fall because school is starting and they are on sale everywhere
One of my nieces running up when they see me
Knowing that no matter how old she gets Katie-bug will still love me the most!
Cotton Candy
Buying something on sale that you have been eyeing for months
White Chocolate Mochas with a shot of cinnamon
Date night with Mr. Wilks… even if it is just out to the grocery story
Slobbering baby kisses
Tuesday night knitting classes (even if the only reason it is a pleasure is because of the other people in the class)
Hallmark movies… or is that a guilty pleasure?
Preschool Children’s Church
These are just a few of the things that I consider simple pleasures. Please feel free to join in and let me know what things you see as simple pleasures. And stay tuned for my next post about our trip.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Has it been a year already???
Sunday Mr. Wilks and I celebrated our 1st Anniversary! Wow how the year has flown by! To celebrate I thought I would put some pics up of the wedding day last year and share some stories of the big day and the year that followed.
This is a picture that was taken before the ceremony. Mr. Wilks was whispering in my ear and I got tickled because he was saying things that would have embarrassed me if anyone had overheard. LOL! I have had the best time getting to know him even more this year. Mr. Wilks has the most amazing sense of humor and he laughs at my dry sense of humor which can be hard for him when he can't figure out what I think is so funny.

The second pic is from the ceremony. It was such a beautiful day! I wish I could have sat and wrote it all down so I would never forget anything. We only had a few mishaps but nothing that was life changing. The first mishap was the flowers. My poor daddy (Papa) had went to pick them up and didn't know what they were suppose to look like so he had no idea they were not right. Don't get me wrong they were beautiful flowers but just not what I had envisioned. Burnt orange in my opinion does not go with my wedding colors of chocolate brown, eggplant, and sage green. Ultimately though, it was not the end of the world and at that point what could you do... in the end the only people who knew were the ones I told. Oh and all of you I have just told now... lol oops.
The second mishap was not noticeable to anybody but me and that is because of my need for perfection. (I have mentioned my A-type personality in an earlier post) I had chosen not to walk down the aisle to the traditional "Here Comes the Bride" and instead chose a song that sounded like Mr. Wilks and I. Because of how the song went we decided to have Mr. Wilks walk down the side aisle and then the ring bearer and flower girl and then me so that it would not seem like it was such a long song. However, during the ceremony the flower girl and the ring bearer got sent down the aisle during the song before the one they were supposed to. Mr. Wilks was walking down to the first verse of the song and me to the bridge so because the other two were sent early it seemed like forever until I finally got to walk down the aisle.
The last mishap is actually kind of funny! (I would have posted a picture of the three amigos and their Nintendo DS if I had remembered to ask permission from their parents to put them on the blog before I started this post) Anyway, my ring bearer, cousin, and little friend all were sitting at the reception playing their Nintendo DS but because all three of them didn’t have their own they were bickering a little over the two that were there and one of the cases got too close to the candle on the table and caught on fire. It was not a big fire and was put out pretty quickly but it is funny to think of a fire at your reception. Haha

The last pictures are of us eating the cake and us eating the topper on our 1st Anniversary. First off you will notice that we are not feeding each other the cake or twisting our arms to try and drink. Although I am a very traditional girl, I felt as though my wedding should be unique to me and my husband to be. If you are just caught up in traditions you forget to enjoy the day and forget the meaning for the whole thing. Anyway off my soap box... Mr. Wilks and I decided that one of the traditions we would forgo was shoving cake in each other's face and just eat a bite at the same time.

I call my mom (Grandbee) Sunday night on our way home from having anniversary dinner:
Grandbee: So did you guys eat your bite of wedding cake yet?
Me: Nope, it is still in the freezer.
Grandbee: So you didn't sit it out to be defrosting?
Me: Um.... Nope, didn't know you had to.
Grandbee: (irritated) Why would you think you could just eat a bite of frozen cake?
Me: Well, the ones you get in the freezer section at the grocery store thaw out quick and i didn't think it would be good to let year old cake defrost until you were ready to eat it... so...
We went back and forth with this till we were both laughing. So, I asked Grandbee why we save the top and eat it anyway and she said just because it is what people have always done. She ended up doing further investigation and found that the tradition was started before the wide use of birth control and that couple would save the cake for their first-born's christening. And because there was no birth control the birth of the first child usually fell around the couple’s first anniversary. So after all of that it isn't really a tradition that is backed up by a real purpose any more but we did it anyway. And surprisingly it wasn't so bad. We still threw it away though... maybe it was the idea of eating something that was a year old???

We had a great day reminiscing about the past year. We took time to thank the Lord for allowing us to find one another and for the blessings he has showered us with during our first year of marriage. I would be lying if I said the year had been too difficult because, although we faced some obstacles, over all the first year was pretty great!
This is a picture that was taken before the ceremony. Mr. Wilks was whispering in my ear and I got tickled because he was saying things that would have embarrassed me if anyone had overheard. LOL! I have had the best time getting to know him even more this year. Mr. Wilks has the most amazing sense of humor and he laughs at my dry sense of humor which can be hard for him when he can't figure out what I think is so funny.

The second pic is from the ceremony. It was such a beautiful day! I wish I could have sat and wrote it all down so I would never forget anything. We only had a few mishaps but nothing that was life changing. The first mishap was the flowers. My poor daddy (Papa) had went to pick them up and didn't know what they were suppose to look like so he had no idea they were not right. Don't get me wrong they were beautiful flowers but just not what I had envisioned. Burnt orange in my opinion does not go with my wedding colors of chocolate brown, eggplant, and sage green. Ultimately though, it was not the end of the world and at that point what could you do... in the end the only people who knew were the ones I told. Oh and all of you I have just told now... lol oops.
The second mishap was not noticeable to anybody but me and that is because of my need for perfection. (I have mentioned my A-type personality in an earlier post) I had chosen not to walk down the aisle to the traditional "Here Comes the Bride" and instead chose a song that sounded like Mr. Wilks and I. Because of how the song went we decided to have Mr. Wilks walk down the side aisle and then the ring bearer and flower girl and then me so that it would not seem like it was such a long song. However, during the ceremony the flower girl and the ring bearer got sent down the aisle during the song before the one they were supposed to. Mr. Wilks was walking down to the first verse of the song and me to the bridge so because the other two were sent early it seemed like forever until I finally got to walk down the aisle.
The last mishap is actually kind of funny! (I would have posted a picture of the three amigos and their Nintendo DS if I had remembered to ask permission from their parents to put them on the blog before I started this post) Anyway, my ring bearer, cousin, and little friend all were sitting at the reception playing their Nintendo DS but because all three of them didn’t have their own they were bickering a little over the two that were there and one of the cases got too close to the candle on the table and caught on fire. It was not a big fire and was put out pretty quickly but it is funny to think of a fire at your reception. Haha

The last pictures are of us eating the cake and us eating the topper on our 1st Anniversary. First off you will notice that we are not feeding each other the cake or twisting our arms to try and drink. Although I am a very traditional girl, I felt as though my wedding should be unique to me and my husband to be. If you are just caught up in traditions you forget to enjoy the day and forget the meaning for the whole thing. Anyway off my soap box... Mr. Wilks and I decided that one of the traditions we would forgo was shoving cake in each other's face and just eat a bite at the same time.

I call my mom (Grandbee) Sunday night on our way home from having anniversary dinner:
Grandbee: So did you guys eat your bite of wedding cake yet?
Me: Nope, it is still in the freezer.
Grandbee: So you didn't sit it out to be defrosting?
Me: Um.... Nope, didn't know you had to.
Grandbee: (irritated) Why would you think you could just eat a bite of frozen cake?
Me: Well, the ones you get in the freezer section at the grocery store thaw out quick and i didn't think it would be good to let year old cake defrost until you were ready to eat it... so...
We went back and forth with this till we were both laughing. So, I asked Grandbee why we save the top and eat it anyway and she said just because it is what people have always done. She ended up doing further investigation and found that the tradition was started before the wide use of birth control and that couple would save the cake for their first-born's christening. And because there was no birth control the birth of the first child usually fell around the couple’s first anniversary. So after all of that it isn't really a tradition that is backed up by a real purpose any more but we did it anyway. And surprisingly it wasn't so bad. We still threw it away though... maybe it was the idea of eating something that was a year old???

We had a great day reminiscing about the past year. We took time to thank the Lord for allowing us to find one another and for the blessings he has showered us with during our first year of marriage. I would be lying if I said the year had been too difficult because, although we faced some obstacles, over all the first year was pretty great!
Friday, January 15, 2010
And so it begins...
So I started this blog in July and was so excited about having a blog that I completely abandoned it until now! haha...
Anyway, I am a typical A-Type personality. I am very structured and like things to be a certain way. On top of that I am very analytical and so I think things through until there is no possibility I have not pondered. I do not like surprises but can warm up to them after the initial shock is over. And to me a life without a plan, is a plan to fail (This quote was taken from my boss). From all of this, one can only imagine, how I feel when something does not go the way I think it should. Most of the time it starts with uncontrollable worry and then the analytical part kicks in and I begin to think a forgotten birthday of a friend has lead to forever banishment from their life and their horrible disdain toward me. Before long I can be in full melt down mode… Imagine... tears, snot, hyperventilation, just a few of the reactions I occasionally have when my plan fails to be the way I thought it would. Something as simple as forgetting to call a friend on their birthday causes me to go into a spiral of emotions and who knows if my friend even noticed that I did not call. So this year as I was gearing up for the beginning of 2010 I decided to start the year with a goal to not stress out over things so much. I am going to try very hard not to over analyze and not to over react to things that I cannot change. Mr. Wilks believes that I will not be able to achieve my goal throughout the year, but that is because he has seen some of my numerous melt downs and knows that I am a creature of habit. However, I am going to put my best foot forward and really try to do a better job at relaxing and not sweating the small stuff. In 1Peter 5:7 the Bible says, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7, NIV).How ironic that this has been my favorite verse in the Bible for most of my life and that the very verse that God has seeded within me is encouraging me to give it all to God! Let go of the things I can’t change and keep living! Hmmm… sounds to me God knew long before I did that as an adult I would need a verse like this to uplift me; he knew the adult I would become and that without me recognizing my help comes from HIM (I will strengthen you and help you… Isaiah 41:10, NIV). I would be a mess! I carry both of those scriptures in my wallet on an old index card I have carried around for years and on days when I feel like everything is going under I can pull out that card and remind myself that I am not the keeper of the stars or the one who hung the moon but God the creator of all things cares for me and wants my load to be lightened. All I have to do is call on his name and he will greet me with the peace that passes all understanding.
These are pictures of the card from my wallet.
So this year if my to do list is not finished at the end of the day I am not going to think it is the end of the world as I know it. And I am going to cling to the promises that God has set before me in his book. I leave you with the last verse on the card in my wallet, the verse that gets me all fired up! The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet Romans 16:20, NIV.
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 41:10
Romans 16:20
Anyway, I am a typical A-Type personality. I am very structured and like things to be a certain way. On top of that I am very analytical and so I think things through until there is no possibility I have not pondered. I do not like surprises but can warm up to them after the initial shock is over. And to me a life without a plan, is a plan to fail (This quote was taken from my boss). From all of this, one can only imagine, how I feel when something does not go the way I think it should. Most of the time it starts with uncontrollable worry and then the analytical part kicks in and I begin to think a forgotten birthday of a friend has lead to forever banishment from their life and their horrible disdain toward me. Before long I can be in full melt down mode… Imagine... tears, snot, hyperventilation, just a few of the reactions I occasionally have when my plan fails to be the way I thought it would. Something as simple as forgetting to call a friend on their birthday causes me to go into a spiral of emotions and who knows if my friend even noticed that I did not call. So this year as I was gearing up for the beginning of 2010 I decided to start the year with a goal to not stress out over things so much. I am going to try very hard not to over analyze and not to over react to things that I cannot change. Mr. Wilks believes that I will not be able to achieve my goal throughout the year, but that is because he has seen some of my numerous melt downs and knows that I am a creature of habit. However, I am going to put my best foot forward and really try to do a better job at relaxing and not sweating the small stuff. In 1Peter 5:7 the Bible says, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7, NIV).How ironic that this has been my favorite verse in the Bible for most of my life and that the very verse that God has seeded within me is encouraging me to give it all to God! Let go of the things I can’t change and keep living! Hmmm… sounds to me God knew long before I did that as an adult I would need a verse like this to uplift me; he knew the adult I would become and that without me recognizing my help comes from HIM (I will strengthen you and help you… Isaiah 41:10, NIV). I would be a mess! I carry both of those scriptures in my wallet on an old index card I have carried around for years and on days when I feel like everything is going under I can pull out that card and remind myself that I am not the keeper of the stars or the one who hung the moon but God the creator of all things cares for me and wants my load to be lightened. All I have to do is call on his name and he will greet me with the peace that passes all understanding.

So this year if my to do list is not finished at the end of the day I am not going to think it is the end of the world as I know it. And I am going to cling to the promises that God has set before me in his book. I leave you with the last verse on the card in my wallet, the verse that gets me all fired up! The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet Romans 16:20, NIV.
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 41:10
Romans 16:20
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