Maternity Clothes: mostly maternity; some regular shirts and dresses still fit
Gender: It's a girl!!! Emmalyn Caroline Wilkins
Movement: Baby girl moves all the time!
Sleep: Depends on the night. Sometimes I wake up multiple times and some nights I do not wake up until I feel like my bladder will burst.
What I Miss: Shrimp! That will probably be my answer until this pregnancy is over! Especially this week; the family went to Red Lobster after decoration and I was tortured as I smelled it and watched others eat it. :-)
Cravings: Ice cream again!
Symptoms: Tiredness and a catch in my hip and butt. Baby girl loves to hang out on my nerve.
Best Moment this week: Going to camp meeting and hearing Grandbee pray at the women’s service!
Maternity Clothes: mostly maternity; some regular shirts and dresses still fit
Gender: It's a girl!!! Emmalyn Caroline Wilkins
Movement: Baby girl moves all the time! She also got the hiccups for the first time this week; watching my belly move as she was hiccupping was hilarious.
Sleep: Depends on the night. Sometimes I wake up multiple times and some nights I do not wake up until I feel like my bladder will burst.
What I Miss: Shrimp! That will probably be my answer until this pregnancy is over!
Cravings: Sweet tea! I limit myself to one or two glasses a day but always want more.
Symptoms: Catch in my hip and butt. I think baby girl may be hanging out on a nerve. It happens most often, after sitting or lying down for an extended period.
Best Moment this week: Celebrating Grandbee’s birthday in Birmingham and finally agreeing on the stroller and car seat to register for.
Maternity Clothes: mostly maternity; some regular shirts and dresses still fit
Gender: It's a girl!!! Emmalyn Caroline Wilkins
Movement: Baby girl moves all the time! She is starting to do what I call elephant movements (big and strong).
Sleep: Not so great… I wake up with leg cramps and then have to get up and go to the bathroom because I am awake. Guess I am just being prepared for having an infant. :-)
What I Miss: This week was shellfish of all kinds. Justin got a craving for Wintzell’s so I had to watch him eat shrimp and crab soup while I ate white fish. It is so funny to me that I am now a girl who misses seafood since for so many years I would not even touch it. Oh and don’t give him a hard time about eating the good stuff in front of me; I told him that someone should get to enjoy it!
Cravings: Everything sweet! It was VBS and a family at church donated the most amazing treats and I felt compelled to try all of them multiple times.
Symptoms: Tiredness!!! I had no idea VBS, while pregnant, was such an exhausting ordeal until this week!
Best Moment this week: Couldn’t pick just one; celebrating Justin’s first father’s day, seeing Papa open his father’s day gift (I will post pictures soon), and VBS!!!